When you consider the items in your house that could be covered by a warranty, you probably think of the modern conveniences you use daily to make your life easier and more comfortable. These most likely include your washing machine, refrigerator, kitchen range, and furnace or air conditioning system. If any of these were to break down for any reason, it would be a major inconvenience that you’d want to resolve as quickly as possible.
However, there are numerous other appliances and systems around your home that aren’t as obvious but are no less important. You may not pay attention to them until they stop working, at which point repairing or replacing them becomes your top priority. Here are five components of your home that you may be surprised to learn can be covered by a typical home warranty plan.
1. Plumbing — You may use hundreds of gallons of water every day without giving it a second thought, but your plumbing components are certainly impacted. Keeping your pipes and shutoff valves in good working condition is a big job, and one that can be covered by a home warranty from Oncourse Home Solutions.
2. Sewer lines — Oncourse Home Solutions warranty plans can also help protect essential systems located outside your house. For example, the underground line that connects your property to the public sewer system can be covered, providing you with peace of mind in the event of its failure.
3. Gas lines — You may have hundreds of feet of natural gas line in your home, and if it or its connectors fail, they need attention as soon as possible. You can cover your inside gas line with a home warranty from Oncourse Home Solutions.
4. Media lines — You rely on your internet, phone and thermostat wiring every day. A Media Line Protection plan from Oncourse Home Solutions will cover fittings, splitters, outlets and other passive equipment for inside telephone wire and telephone jacks, inside cable wire and cable outlets, and inside Internet wire and Internet connections, doorbells, thermostat wiring, intercom wiring and is only available for service addresses with an electrical service entrance rated at or below 400 Amps.
5. Electronics — Your refrigerator, furnace and other appliances that regularly cycle on and off can cause momentary power spikes — or surges — in your home’s electrical system. So can thunderstorms. This can damage electronics and electrical equipment over time, but Oncourse Home Solutions offers Surge Protection (not available in all areas) to provide financial protection and peace of mind.
A home warranty plan can provide confidence that your home’s essential systems can be repaired or replaced if they break down or fail. This includes equipment you don’t think about every day, but which also needs protection. Oncourse Home Solutions offers a wide array of warranty plans that can fit virtually any requirements you may have. Get in touch with us today to learn more.