- Dress in layers. This tip works in winter and spring. Weather can change quickly, and the sunshine you were enjoying may quickly turn into rain or even snow!
- Be careful on wet surfaces. Go slowly on wet and muddy trails where you can easily lose your footing.
- If the forecast calls for rain, be careful around rivers and streams. Their level can quickly rise in a flash flood situation.
- Start slowly. Don’t plan a long jog or bike ride if it’s been a while since you’ve exercised outdoors.
- Check all of your equipment. Before planning a campout, make sure that your tent, backpacks, sleeping bags and other gear are in good shape.
- Stay away from cotton clothing. If it gets wet, it’ll take a long time for the material to dry. Consider wearing synthetic materials instead.
- Plan age-appropriate activities. While you may want to hike up a mountain and enjoy the beautiful view from the top, this may not be something that is appropriate for young children or older members of your party.
- Watch for poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Depending on where you are, one or all three of these poisonous plants may be growing. Understand what they look like and be sure to educate your family and friends on the dangers of these plants.
- Plan your day accordingly. While it may get dark later in the evenings, you don’t want to be stuck far from your car with only a few minutes of daylight left. Allow yourself enough time to get safely back to where you need to be.
- Check for ticks. When your day is over, be sure to check yourself and other family members for ticks.
Get more outdoor safety tips from the National Forest Foundation.