Why is My Air Conditioner So Loud?

As a homeowner, you may have wondered why your air conditioner seems so loud when it’s running. While it’s completely normal for your air conditioner to make some noise when it’s in operation, if the standard noises you’re used to hearing have gotten much louder and more intense, or if you’re noticing new sounds, then your cooling system may be experiencing a problem that needs to be investigated further.

Standard AC sounds

It’s normal for your cooling system to make some sound when running. If you’ve had your air conditioner properly maintained and there weren’t any issues detected, and if the noise bothers you or is keeping you or other family members awake at night, you may be able to speak with a cooling expert to determine what you can do to lessen the sound you’re hearing from the unit.

You may be able to pursue sound-reducing measures to help cut back on the unit’s noisiness, such as having sound blankets installed. A cooling professional will be able to assist you with making sure that the noise-reducing measures you’re implementing won’t impede the efficiency or operation of your system.

Problematic AC sounds and their causes

If you notice any of the more “problematic” air conditioner sounds mentioned below, shut off your AC and contact a cooling professional to have your system inspected.

AC is rattling

It isn’t uncommon for a homeowner to hear their AC “rattling” after a strong storm. Sticks, leaves, rocks, or other outdoor debris may have blown into the condenser unit. This is a problem that can easily be taken care of by a cooling expert. They will be sure the power has been shut off to the unit and remove the outside panels to locate and get rid of the debris.

A rattling noise may also be caused by a loose bolt or fastener inside of the system. Again, a professional will quickly be able to diagnose and fix this issue.

If the problem isn’t from a loose fastener or debris in the condenser, the noise could be coming from a worn-out compressor. If your air conditioner is more than a decade old, it isn’t uncommon for the compressor to begin working inefficiently (and loudly). This may be a warning sign that AC replacement could be in your near future.

AC is making a grinding noise

Grinding air conditioners are often a result of an issue with the fan motor inside the unit. The motor may have a worn-out bearing that needs to be replaced. Contact a cooling professional to properly diagnose and treat the problem.

AC sounds like it’s hissing

This common air conditioner problem may be the result of a refrigerant leak. This type of leak should be handled immediately before further damage is done, and before the refrigerant contaminates the environment.

A hissing AC could also be caused by an issue with the ductwork inside your home. A cooling professional will be able to determine whether the problem is a result of your refrigerant leaking, or if there is a hole or crack in the ducts that transport cool air throughout your home.

AC is “popping” when in operation

A “popping” sound may be a result of something harmless, such as your ductwork expanding and shrinking when your air conditioner is running. However, the issue may also be a result of a crack, leak, or hole in your ducts. A cooling expert will be able to get to the root of the problem and offer a repair solution.

AC prevention is key

To prevent many troublesome and loud AC problems, one of the most important things you can do is schedule annual maintenance with a cooling expert. A professional will carefully inspect and clean all working components of your system, and if a problem is detected, it can be taken care of before it results in a breakdown of the unit.

Quality AC repair and maintenance services

To keep your air conditioner protected and running efficiently, consider enrolling in our Cooling Maintenance and/or Cooling Repair Plans. To see which plans are available in your area, please visit us online.